Carbon Calculator – Nature and Culture International

Go Carbon Neutral!

Nature and Culture International offers businesses, building owners, and individuals the opportunity to offset emissions to reduce their environmental footprint. Carbon emissions are caused by everyday business activities such as energy use for heating and cooling, electricity, transportation and business travel. These carbon emissions can then damage the environment and the world we live in by causing climate change and related problems.

How does this calculator work?

This calculator estimates your total carbon emissions based primarily on USEPA emissions data ( We calculate the emission of air travel by using the average medium-flight figure of .45 lbs of CO2 per air mile from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Figures are shown in metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions. The cost of an emissions offset is $5 per metric ton of avoided carbon emissions through the purchasing and protecting acres of tropical forest through nature and culture International’s in-country conservation programs.

Instructions – Simply complete the following fields for electricity, fuel consumption and business travel to estimate your carbon emissions. Then click on the donate button to offset your emission and go carbon neutral!

Source: Carbon Calculator – Nature and Culture International

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