EPI: World ‘failing to address climate crisis’, with Middle East showing mixed progress, says Yale and Columbia EPI Report

“The world is failing to address the climate crisis as countries veer off track from their goals, although the Middle East appears to be making some progress, according to the latest Environmental Performance Index.

The EPI – released on Monday by Yale University’s Centre for Environmental Law and Policy and Columbia University‘s Centre for International Earth Science Information Network – provides a data-driven summary of the state of sustainability around the world.

“Mounting evidence highlights the degradation of the planet’s life-supporting systems on which humanity depends,” the report said.

“A world economy that continues to rely heavily on fossil fuels translates into ongoing air and water pollution, acidification of the oceans and rising concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.”

The index incorporates 58 indicators to rank 180 countries on their progress at limiting climate change, protecting ecosystem vitality and promoting environmental health.

It noted that despite numerous international agreements, countries are off track from their stated goals of cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

“Despite record deployment of renewable energy, greenhouse gas emissions keep rising,” the report said.

“As the world enters uncharted climatic territory, there is a heightened risk of crossing irreversible tipping points in the planet’s climate system.””    . . . . .

Source: EPI: World ‘failing to address climate crisis’, with Middle East showing mixed progress

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