Jeff Sessions Clams Up in Congress – The New York Times

“How many ways are there to fail to answer a question under oath?

Ask Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The last time Mr. Sessions appeared before a Senate committee, during his confirmation hearing in January, he gave false testimony.

“I did not have communications with the Russians,” Mr. Sessions said in response to a question no one asked — and despite the fact that he had, in fact, met with the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, at least twice during the 2016 presidential campaign. The omission raised questions not only about his honesty, but also about why he would not disclose those meetings in the first place.”

Good editorial. Here are the top comments which I support:

David California 12 hours ago

As Rep. Schiff said tonight, “there is no privilege to reserve a potential privilege later, you either invoke a privilege or you don’t.” AG Sessions should be held in contempt of Congress.

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Jim PA 12 hours ago

Several Democratic Senators did an excellent job of showing how Sessions had no legal justification for not answering these questions. In his last testimony he committed perjury. Today he committed obstruction of justice. Hopefully the statute of limitations for these infractions goes out past the date where Republicans will lose control of the Senate and the White House.

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