Trump’s Deadly Narcissism – Paul Krugman – NYT

“According to a new Quinnipiac poll, a majority of Americans believe that Donald Trump is unfit to be president. That’s pretty remarkable. But you have to wonder how much higher the number would be if people really knew what’s going on.

For the trouble with Trump isn’t just what he’s doing, but what he isn’t. In his mind, it’s all about him — and while he’s stroking his fragile ego, basic functions of government are being neglected or worse.

Let’s talk about two stories that might seem separate: the deadly neglect of Puerto Rico, and the ongoing sabotage of American health care. What these stories have in common is that millions of Americans are going to suffer, and hundreds if not thousands die, because Trump and his officials are too self-centered to do their jobs.

Start with the disaster in Puerto Rico and the neighboring U.S. Virgin Islands.”

Good op-ed. Here are the top two comments, which I endorse.

Rima Regas

is a trusted commenter Southern California September 29, 2017


Trump lied to his voters. He still lies to them almost on an hourly basis on Twitter, telling them things like he has the votes to repeal Obamacare and the only reason the last repeal failed is because a senator is in the hospital. That’s a lie. As you know, no senator was in the hospital and the one senator who is very ill, John McCain, again voted no. The biggest lie, though, was Trump’s campaign promise to replace Obamacare with something cheaper and much better. That part was never crafted, either by the House, Senate, or that jet-setting Secretary of Health and (In)Human Services, Tom Price who, so far, has managed to spend a half million dollars on private jets and military airplanes but is only reimbursing the public $56,000. Three other cabinet members have been abusing public funds in this way, while unraveling America’s social contract.

It isn’t just Trump that’s unfit, but an entire party that is beholden to Trump, the Kochs, Mercers, Adelson, and all the other oligarchs. Trump’s cabinet is highly representative of what the GOP now is and it is performing exactly those things it has always aimed to do.

While Trump tweets away… Democracy is being undone…

  • In Reply to Richard Luettgen


is a trusted commenter Massachusetts September 29, 2017

The one thing I’ll say about Trump, he sure doesn’t hide his motives. Anybody who thinks that Donald Trump would bend over backwards to help Spanish-speaking Americans has to have his head examined.

He launched his by attacking illegal immigration by Mexicans. He congratulates of himself for attending to Puerto Rico’s interests, stating that they are “a resilient people.”

Donald Trump sounds like he’s giving condolences to some distant foreign country that has suffered hard times.

Mr. Trump, just in case you don’t realize it, Puerto Ricans are US citizen every bit as worthy of saving as Republican voting states like Texas and Florida.

Donald Trump is making his agenda clear by failing to do his duty to Puerto Rico and the ACA.

Donald Trump has managed to top the Bush administration’s mishandling helping victims of Hurricane Katrina.

I’ve seen a lot of partisanship in my lifetime but helping victims of hurricanes based on their political utility to the president is setting a new record.